Thursday, August 19, 2010

How does your garden grow?

Much love to Elizabeth from To Be Charmed for featuring the skirt I recently made! Love that girl!

Now, I would like to show you some pictures of my "garden." I have to say, I got a bit ripped off in the "backyard" department at my condo. Everyone else has a bit of greenspace, and I have a visitor parking stall. Lucky me.

But anyway. I can't plant things actually in the ground, so I've made do with containers, and actually, my garden has really flourished this year. It's my first time planting vegetables on my own (aka not at Mom & Dad's) and my tomato plants are looking VERY healthy.

I repurposed an old laundry tub found in my parents' basement (a treasure trove for cool things, let me tell you!) and the tomatoes are so happy in there!

Trotsky is not happy that I just watered the plants and the ground is wet.

I love the cheerful coloured tomato cages!

They kinda look like they're turning red in this photo, but they're not. It's just the light.
The herb pot is happy. I planted carrots, too, and last I checked they were a couple inches long. I should check again. Sweet peas with the rigged up climbing thing. Haha. I'm awesome.
I love these! They are anemones, and are one of my favourite flowers. I found some rhizomes at the greenhouse when I was buying my plants, and decided to give them a try, not really expecting much. But they grew! And one is going to flower soon!! YAYAY!!!!
Now, is there anyone out there who knows anything about growing tomatoes?? Do I need to prune those suckers to get them to turn red?

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