Friday, October 1, 2010

Indoor Tents... for CATS!

Okay, I am a bit embarrassed to post this project as it's a bit "Crazy Cat Lady" of me to have even made it. BUT look at these cute tents for kids!!!

From here.

From here.

 And how about this chic one?!? It makes me want to make one for ME!
From here.

 So, since my cats are my fur-babies, it makes perfect sense that I would make them a tent, right? RIGHT?!?!?!


Moving on. Here's the finished product, and Trotsky enjoying it. Both cats really like the tent, especially when the flaps are closed.

Here's what I did:

I bought the base at the pet store. It's just a cardboard cat bed. The cats like the corrugated cardboard. What cat DOESN'T like cardboard?

Then I drilled four holes in the cardboard. Then I cut four dowels down to the size I wanted it them. The rest was just done by eye. I had two Fat Quarters of Anna Maria Horner fabric that fit perfectly, and then I used two other fabrics for the flaps. I sewed holes for the dowels to go through and added some velvet ribbon as tie backs for the flaps.

Oddly peeks out.

 And that's it, really!

Trotsky waves goodbye!


  1. haha i LOVE this!! i've been thinking about making a kitty play palace for a little while, so thanks for the extra inspiration :]

    ps your kitties are adorable!!

  2. And may I say that Jay-Z is all kinds of cute, too!!!

    The cats seriously love it. They often just sit in there and look outside. Or they curl up and sleep in there.

    My sister and I joke about how the cats love to go camping. And Trotsky, who's a polydactyl, can use his extra toes to build a fire, and then they enjoy making tuna smores.

    Yes, we're dorks. :)

  3. Hello! I found your blog through the comments on Ill Seen, Ill Said and I read every single entry eagerly! Also, I lived in Calgary for nine years and moved to Toronto a few months ago, so please say hi to Calgary for me! =)

  4. Oh yay! Thank you so much!!

    I gave Calgary a big ole wave for you!!!!

  5. I LOVE this!! Belly button(my son named our cat) would love it. I'm afraid I fall in the crazy cat lady category...

  6. Trotsky spent the day yesterday curled up and sleeping in it. You know how cats love enclosed little spaces? That's why the tent appeals to them!

    Belly Button is a ridiculously cute name. :)

  7. I love cats very much, and I did not know that cats can also have an indoor tents, what a cute design. I also want to have this kind of tents for my cats. How much does this tent cost?

    Indoor Play Tent
