Sunday, April 3, 2011

Upcycled IKEA chair

I've had this Tullsta Ikea chair for ages and the cover was getting pretty sad. I decided to reuphoster it, and wanted to use this great phesant sweater I found at the thrift shop that was unfortunately way too big to wear. It looked like this, but with a pink and green plaid patterned slipcover:

I was also inspired by the Winnifred furniture line at Anthroplogie:

So I gathered up some more sweaters and got to work on my Frankenstein of a chair.

In progress. Oddly thought this was a very interesting procedure.

And after!

I like the little goat and the pocket on the arm.
The phesant in all its glory.
Yay! I love it!


  1. how cozy! very cute ans eclectic

  2. Thank you Jessi! My cat Trotsky sure loves it and thinks it's cozy - he's been snuggled in every day since!
